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Redwood's RAVE virtual art events have been created to support the art community by bringing the art community together during the covid time.
I´ll be there as an exhibitor – I am proud to be there.
For more information visit #RAVENewYork #RAVE #RedwoodArtGroup #artevent #virtualfair #artcollector #exhibitorMarcelaLevinska #onlineart #painting #MarilionFineArt #interiordesign
I search for beauty and emotion in the world, in life and in art. This I endeavour to present in my work. I seek to comfort and please the eye of an observer.
Marcela Levinská Borecká – Marilion
She graduated from University of Economics but in 1989, she acquainted
herself with the technique of mosaic making. Fascinated by this technique, she
devoted a lot of her time to it.
Several visits to Tunisia enabled the artist to become familiar with the
outstanding quality of ancient mosaics in Northern Africa. The colours and light
of the Mediterranean landscape enriched her imagination and sensitivity.
Marcela created her mosaics from a sort of glass comparable to that used in ancient Ravenna. She cut this “pate de verre” to fit her unique patterns similarly as the traditional artisans of Northern Africa, Greece and Rome used to. Later, the artist started to use natural materials that she collected not only at home but also all over the world during her travels.
Original oil paintings combined with mosaics and including a wide range of colours represent the transition from pure mosaic making to painting and, to a certain extent, revive the ancient mosaic technique.
Between 1996 and 1999, the artist studied drawing at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague in the classes of Prof. Oriešek.
At present, Marcela’s unique works of art, made mostly by the technique of oil painting with layered structures, encompass three basic thematic areas. The first area comprises the themes with a touch of the exotic, inspired by sightseeing during her journeys to France, Turkey, Syria, Jordany, Israel, Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco, Greece. The paintings evoking the impressions of temples and sacred elements constitute the second thematic sphere of her art. The third range of her activity involves intimate oil paintings and pastels of still lifes.
Since the year 2007, Marcela regularly organizes AMBIT ART exhibitions in the center of Prague in the charismatic environment of the Ambit of Monastery of Franciscan Brethren. She invites artists of various crafts whose works of art caught her attention. During last years, artists such as Doležal, Exnarová, Kašpar, Kouba, Kubínová, Liederhaus, Maršálek, Pouba, Šebesta, Urbánek, took part in the exhibition.
In March 2009 she visited Sri Lanka for the first time. This journey inspired her to organize an auction for an orphanage which then took place within the 2009 AMBIT ART exposition. The means obtained in the auction were used right in Sri Lanka orphanages to buy plank beds, mattresses, sheets, closets, kitchen equipment, shoes and school accessories.
During the last two journeys to Sri Lanka, Marcela worked as a tourist guide for China Tours…y/sri-lanka/ and doing so she returned as an external worker to the profession which already in the past enabled her to get to know interesting places of the world. She elaborates on the inspiration from her journeys after her return home, although her last two prolonged trips helped her realize her wish to paint in plain air.
The newest is her discovery of freedom usind acrylic colors in abstract painting. Marcela Levinská Borecká gives exhibitions in the Czech Republic as well as abroad. ......................
I´am excited and it´s my honour to announce I will be exhibiting my work at 3 virtual fairs in USA: RAVE/ Focus San Diego, Focus New York, Focus Austine in 2021.
List Of Events
2021 – virtual art fair Rave/Austin
2021 – virtual art fair Rave/New York
2021 – virtual art fair Rave/San Diego
2020 – exhibition JOURNEYS AND DESIRES, Činoherní
kavárna, Prague
2019 – AMBIT ART 2019, Closter of Franciscan Brethren,
Prague, paintings
2014 – IMPACT HUB, Prague, paintings
2013 – Gallery du Colombier, Paris, paintings
2013 – AMBIT ART 2013, Closter of Franciscan Brethren,
Prague, paintings
2013 – House of Music, Pilsen, Fly by world, paintings
2012 – Gallery Mokropeská kaplička, paintings From
Distance and from Closeness
2011 – AMBIT ART 2011, Closter of Franciscan Brethren,
Prague, paintings
2011 – Gallery Aurora, Paris, paintings
2011 – Gallery Etienne de Causans, Paris, paintings
2011 – Gallery du Colombier, Paris, paintings
2010 – AMBIT ART 2010, Closter of Franciscan Brethren,
Prague, paintings
2009 – AMBIT ART 2009, Closter of Franciscan Brethren,
Prague, paintings, mosaics
2008 – AMBIT ART 2008, Closter of Franciscan Brethren,
Prague, paintings
2007 – AMBIT ART 2007, Closter of Franciscan Brethren,
Prague, paintings, mosaics
2006 – Vrtbovska Garden, Prague, paintings
2006 – Museum Ahmed Shawky, Cairo, paintings
2005 – Gallery Chodovska Fort, Prague, paintings
2004 – Eurotrend, Prague, paintings, mosaics
2003 – Gallery of the Czech Saving Bank, Prague,
2002 – Commerce Bank, Prague, paintings
2001 – Gallery Rohacova, Prague, paintings, mosaics
2000 – State Institute for Nuclear Security, Prague,
2000 – Gallery Orsei, Prague, paintings, mosaics
1999 – joint exhibition, Esslingen, Germany, paintings
1999 – Gallery Scarabeus, Prague, paintings, mosaics
1999 – Gallery Belveder, Jablonec upon Nisa, paintings,
1998 – Gallery Chodovska Fort, Prague, paintings, mosaics
1997 – joint exhibition, Berlin, Germany, mosaics
1996 – Gallery of the Czech Saving Bank, Prague, mosaics,
paintings, graphics
1996 – Gallery L. Kuba, Poděbrady, mosaics, paintings,
1995 – joint exhibition Gallery Forma, Prague
1995 – joint exhibition “Pleasure and Hope”, Prague
1995 – Astheim-Kartause, Germany, paintings, mosaics,
1994 – Volkach-Schelfenhaus, Germany, paintings and
1994 – joint exhibition COMA, Prague
1994 – Gallery of the Czech Saving Bank, Prague, mosaics and
1993 – Gallery L. Kuba, Podebrady, mosaics
1991 – Al Rafedain Gallery, Berlin, Germany, mosaics and